Daniel Alexander Oxford, Jr., son of Daniel Alexander Oxford Senior and Pearl Virginia Oxford
passed away in the early evening of February 26, 2023. He was at home and surrounded by
Born in Georgia, the only son of a preacher, Dan was raised in church and always loved the
Lord. At age 5 his family moved to Southern California.
As a young boy Daniel had an entrepreneurial spirit and a dog by his side. Raising carrier
pigeons during the war, having chickens for eggs to sell, buying newspapers for resale on the
street corner for a few extra cents and pulling blocks of ice in a wagon door to door to sell for
household iceboxes.
After years in Southern California his family moved north to Vallejo for his father to pastor a
church. In Dans high school years he lived in Bakersfield and from there went to barber college
which took him back to Southern California and it was there he married and started a family.
Some years later with his wife and two sons they moved to the San Luis Obispo area. Growing
his business Dan opened two barbershops. The opportunity came around to start in
construction, becoming a general contractor and land developer. Building homes, apartments
and shopping centers in both Atascadero and San Luis Obispo. It was during this time a
daughter was brought into his life.
Having much success his businesses and investments grew. Along with his connections with
people as he was involved in church, several community organizations and had many wonderful
Dan enjoyed living in the country, watching cattle roam the fields, having a barn full of hay, and a
tractor or two to drive. He spent time in the saddle for pleasure, to work cattle and participated in
many Caballeros rides.
In the early 80’s Daniel decided to uproot and move to Oregon settling in the Southern region on
a ranch in the Eagle Point. Investing in his first park and starting another business, opening a
John Deere dealership in the four corners area. Having his first heart attack, an attempt was
made to slow down. The dealership was sold and he downsized his ranch.
The early 90’s brought a new chapter, remarried he moved to Central Point, renovated a farm
house and started haying the fields.
Dan moved to Central Oregon, the Redmond area after the turn of the century, built a new
home and tried to live a slower pace. Missing his cattle he left behind in the rogue valley it
wasn’t long before the ranch life was calling his name again. He found a ranch in Powel Butte
where he could run cattle and hay again. Making another move and building a new home he
lived in the Powel Butte area until 2020.
With his last move to Llano Texas Dan enjoyed sitting on the porch in the warm weather,
watching the comings and goings at the event center next door.
Dan was skilled in all things building, buying, selling, and negotiating. A building project was
always on his mind, being planned or being built. Every property he owned he left better than he
got it.
Daniel could dance and play guitar. A dog was always his companion. Teasing was a form of
communication. He was always willing to lend a hand and an ear. Once his friend, it lasted a
Growing up with very little means Dan worked hard for everything he had. He worked hard for
those he loved. Always honoring and caring for his parents he provided for all his mothers
needs after his father’s passing.
Dan was a loving devoted son, husband, father, and papa. He loved the Lord and was ready to
go to heaven.
Daniel is survived by his wife, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
He will be greatly missed and was tremendously loved.