Justin Dan Rollins, 44, of Medford, passed away Saturday, April 21,2018 from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. He was bornNovember 2, 1973 in Klamath Falls, Oregon. His family moved toMedford at age four, and he had lived in the Rogue Valley since.He graduated from South Medford High School, studied welding,worked with boats, and was a driver for Rogue Disposal for 20years.Justin was a very loving and happy man who was a stranger to noone. He will be remembered most for his huge smile. He loved hiswife, family, friends, motorcycle, and fishing.He is survived by his wife, Michelle Rollins of Medford; hischildren, Skyler Rollins, Kinley Rollins, Kaylie and Cody Biller,Tyler and Miranda Beard, and Dalton Wespremi; his grandchildren,Cambria, Kora, and Koen Biller; his parents, Dan and LaFayeRollins, and Andrea Rollins; his grandmother, Lois (Granny)Rollins; his sisters, Landee Holloway and Darcie Schnee; hisnephews, Aaron Heiller and Jaxon Holloway; and his niece, AngelaRollins. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Ray Rollins;his grandmother, Evie Allen; and his grandparents, Cy and PatriciaMcColgin.
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Justin Dan Rollins, please click here to visit our Sympathy Store.