Karen Rose Headley was born on November 21, 1950 in Glendale, California. She passed away at her home on August 20, 2023.
She was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1963 at the age of thirteen.
She married the love of her life Gary on September 13, 1982
Together they had one son, Glenn Headley, but sadly both Gary and Glenn preceded her in death.
She is survived by her daughter, Maureen Taylor and her husband Jimmy,her parents, Roger and Ruth Lindeman, brother Wayne Lindeman and her sister Patrice Clements and her husband Guy.
She had several nieces and nephews whom she dearly loved.
At one point in her life, she strayed from the truth and for several years lived outside Jehovah's organization. However, she never hid this from the friends and used the experience to help others to keep on the right path and to realize it is never too late to return to Jehovah and receive his mercy.
One of the biggest joys in Karen's life was when she had the privilege to pioneer and to attend the pioneer school in July 2000. She often spoke of those with whom she studied and how much joy that brought her. Karen loved the service and could be found witnessing to anybody she met, up until the last days of her life.
She was a very caring and outgoing person. It gave her great pleasure to help the friends in the congregation when they had a need. Some in the congregation called her "caring Karen". She was very outgoing and wasn't afraid to tell you what she was thinking, even if you were a stranger! She loved people and wanted everyone to learn the truth about God's purpose for the earth and for mankind. She spoke often of how very close the new world was and how she was looking forward to the resurrection to see her dear loved ones again.