Thursday, September 29th, 2022. Marion Adeline Reed lost her battle with the
numerous health challenges that plagued her body for years. Marion was diagnosed
with multiple myeloma cancer 10 years ago, received chemo and a stem cell transplant.
She was in remission but because of the medications and chemo she was diagnosed
with liver disease. She fought everyday with ammonia levels, severe pain and
confusion. Her immune system never recovered so she was susceptible to infection.
The Tuesday before her passing she was admitted to the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix AZ.
Where she was treated with so much respect and loving care. Pneumonia, The fluid and
infection in her lungs was just too much. Marion was a fighter but it was time to move on
from this life to one free of pain. Her days of suffering were finally at an end. As her
family surrounded her, she slipped peacefully away from this mortal life.
Marion was born on November 29th, 1957 in Ashland OR to Clinton Richard & Arilla
Pearl Phelps. She is the baby of the family with 4 older siblings. She had beautiful
blonde curly hair and striking blue eyes.
When she was young her mom loved dressing her up and doing her hair. Marion's
mother passed away when she was seven leaving a hole in her life that was never quite
filled. She was blessed to have a Gma (Thelma muir) watch out for her. Marion lived
with her Grandma most of her teen years. She would talk about the tiny house and
eating sardines on saltines!
Marion grew up in Southern Oregon. She loved talking about how she and her brother
Roby would go swimming at twin plunges, or walking to the Varsity theater for the
Saturday Matinee, even leaving their home in the dark to play at Lithia Park until 2am.
Roby and her were hooked at the hip. She always said that Roby was her protector!
The funny thing was that Vern (Marion's Husband) was the only guy Roby didn’t beat
In High school Marion was in a singing group called “Family Man” She absolutely loved
it! She talked of when they traveled to Reno for a competition, how she overcame fear
to sing solos and the friends that she made. Her love of singing continued throughout
her life. She loved leading the music in church and singing with her dad and sisters at
family gatherings. We all loved hearing her sing to Karen Carpenter and Petula Clark.
Senior year she was a cheerleader and that was something out of her comfort zone but
she ended up having a blast! And Vern said that she looked pretty hot in that uniform!
In 5th grade Marion saw a good lookin 6th grader with cowboy boots and a belt buckle
and she told her cousin she would marry him someday. The beginning of Marions junior
year she went miniature golfing with Vern, the guy with the cowboy boots, where he
stole a kiss on the last hole. Marion graduated June 1976 and married Vern, her high
school sweetheart 2 months later on August 21st. They celebrated their 46th
anniversary just before her passing.
Marion and Vern’s romance was one that was and will be talked about through the
ages. The way they looked at each other was with so much love and adoration. It didn’t
really matter what the activity was whether going out on a date, grocery shopping,
walking around a car show or just snuggled up in bed watching a movie, they just loved
being together. In the last few years she really enjoyed having picnics out on the boat
with her hubby! Notes written on bananas in dad's lunches or a twisty tie placed on
mom's finger before dad left for work. It was all those little things that built a love that will
last for eternity. Vern was her Sunshine Guy and Marion was his Vanilla girl.
Along with Marion being a loving wife she was also a dedicated mother. She was first
blessed with a son, Craig in April 1978 and then a daughter, Adeline in February 1981.
Being a mom was one of her proudest achievements. Her example of unconditional love
and her compassion made her an amazing mama!
As Craig and Adeline grew up, Marion and Vern would take them camping at 4 mile
lake. They would stay for 2 weeks, camping right on the water, cooking pancakes over
the fire and peach cobbler in the dutch oven. Knott’s Berry Farm, Disneyland, Great
America and numerous beach trips throughout the years. She attended all the school
and church activities. She had an Aerostar van that she absolutely loved. Her kids and
friends would pile in as she drove them all over the place without “much” complaint!
Adeline remembers Marion always being able to find a $5 or $10 bill tucked away
somewhere for late night pie runs.
Marion may have given birth to two children but she loved her nieces, nephews and her
children's friends like her own. We always wondered how a heart that big could fit into a
human body.
She loved baking and cooking for everyone. Chicken and noodles, homemade bread
and apple dumplings were a few of her specialties. If you came to her house and left
hungry or without a hug it was your fault. Being enfolded in and embraced by mom was
like coming home. Her warmth, smile, love for others and spicy attitude were just a few
of her special traits that were and will always be cherished by all who knew her.
A few of the words that people have continued to use in speaking about Marion is loving
caregiver. Marion took the classes needed to become a CNA. She was very proud of
this achievement as it gave her the skills she needed to attend to both of her Grandmas.
Between her selfless nurturing and the education she attained, she was able to give her
Grandmothers the comfort and care she would look back on and be proud of. Being a
caregiver was a deep seated trait for Marion. Being needed and knowing she could
ease someone's burden in some way brought her a lot of comfort. Through the years
she also worked as a receptionist and later as an office manager in the medical field.
Marion’s marriage to Vern, her relationship with her kids and grandkids along with her
belief in God were the pieces that were most important to her.
Marion became a Granny in 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2008. These 4 grandkids knew they
were loved. Between tie quilts, head scratches with her long nails, foot rubs, snuggles,
movies, attending activities, baking, treats, even serving mocktails at a grandson's party.
In 2020 Marion & Vern bought a boat and were able to get their grandsons up on skis
and flipped off tubes. Marion's smiles were the best on any day, but when she was out
on the boat her whole face lit up! She wasn’t Just a light, she was a dang flood light!
So many words and phrases would be appropriate to explain the amazing woman
Marion was, but there isn’t enough ink or paper to list them all. Count yourself very
blessed if you knew her.
She left behind her Eternal Companion, Vernon Reed (husband). Her children, Craig
Reed (son) Adeline & Darrell Johnson (daughter & son in law) Dalton, Wyatt & Emmett
Johnson (grandsons) & Brodi Reed (grand daughter) Judy, Lavon & Denise (sisters)
and Roby (brother).
Services will be held October 15th, 2022 at the LDS Church Building 3456 Bellinger Ln
Medford OR