Rita Ann Beutel was born on March 13, 1945 in Antioch, CA to Phil & Phylissee Beutel. She grew up with her brother, Albert, and her parents in the Bay Area of California. She graduated from Clayton Valley High School in Concord, CA in 1963. After high school, she went on to Whitworth College in Spokane, WA, studying sociology. Over the next ten years, she lived in Illinois, Florida, Texas, finally settling in Modesto, CA—where she raised a daughter, Kimberly and a son, Kevin.
Living in Modesto, Rita settled in as devoted wife and mother. She was involved at the kids’ school and at her church, teaching 5th & 6th grade Sunday School from the mid-1980’s almost every year through 2016.
In 1988, Rita was first diagnosed with cancer. Battling and surviving and living with cancer became an identity and a ministry throughout the rest of her life. Rita eventually became the go-to resource in her church and community for cancer support. She was diagnosed and treated six or seven additional times throughout her life.
In 1992, Rita went to work as Children’s Ministry Coordinator at Modesto Covenant Church. The Children’s Ministry at MCC became the gold standard in the Modesto area, especially the annual Vacation Bible School, which often drew in excess of 500 children. Rita retired in 2007, after completing 15 years of occupational ministry with children.
Finally, in 2017, Rita moved to Oregon. She loved living in Oregon and spending time with her family. She continued the same ministries that had been lifelong passions for her, participating in children’s ministry, bible study, and discipleship of younger women.
Rita loved gardening, cooking, hosting parties, playing cards, her family, and most of all her Lord Jesus Christ.
In August 2018, Rita was faced with her last cancer battle. She passed into the arms of Jesus on February 20th, 2019. She was preceded in death by her brother (Albert), her mother (Phylissee), and her father (Phil). She is survived by her daughter Kimberly (Matt), her son Kevin (Janelle), and her grandkids Jacob, Tyler, Joshua, Hallie, Alex, Josiah, and Jace.
Services will be at Community Bible Church on Saturday, March 2 at 2pm (services will also be live-streamed on CBC’s Facebook page). If you would like to honor our mother in a tangible way, memorial contributions may be sent to Community Bible Church (500 N. 10th St., Central Point, OR 97502 or give online at
). Please note “Rita Hearne Memorial” on the memo line of any check you send. The proceeds of the contributions will be divided equally between Modesto Covenant Church and Community Bible Church to support Vacation Bible School programs and Reach Global (EFCA), London to support sports and drama camps for children this summer. We can think of no better way to honor our mom. She loved telling children about Jesus.